


Arc Star™ Revolution Lead Reels! A revolutionary high quality yet low cost lead reel that will surely change a welder's experience. By bringing affordable lead reels to market now even the “helpers” will have a lead reel. With heavy duty powder coated paint job and premium construction the Arc Star™ lead reels are sure to impress even the most critical rig welders. All this at a price point nearly half of the competition! Don’t miss out on being part of the revolution!


• Stays connected to the welder at all times. "Live Reel Setup"
• Heavy-duty manual friction brake is adjustable, allows the
user to set tension and prevents free spooling of leads
during roll out
• Comes standard with 400 amp spool isolators
• Heavy-duty, all-steel construction
• Ball bearing spools
• Locking pull pins secure cables while not in use
• Vented spool design allows for free air flow over your head to aid in cooling
• Replacement parts available
• Powder coated for a lasting finish
• All hardware is zinc-coated Grade 5 steel